Thanks for Your Support

Thank you for all your financial donations and support so far.

All donations are tax-deductible in the US. We have a donation button the right of every page.

We have three areas or funds right now that we need support for:

1. Abuse Victims Fund: The money from this fund after transaction costs go directly to abuse victims who need medical care, therapy, legal counsel, or have other unmet needs. Funds are disbursed on a need basis.

2. Humanitarian Aid Fund: This is a general-purpose fund to support those who are in critical need of aid that centers around the areas of medical, housing/shelter, refugee/immigration/migration, food, clean water, public health and vaccinations, adult literacy children’s education, etc.

3. Operations and Administrative Costs Fund: This fund keeps Intelligent Adventist going. It pays for salaries, costs related to our equipment, travel, hiring subject matter experts in the areas of law, theology, accounting, investigative and data journalism, writers, editors, etc.

I A directors, Mike and Adrian do not personally draw any funds for their own personal needs. Our work is entirely voluntary at this point and has been for the last six years of I A’s existence. We want to grow and expand our ability to publish books, support podcasts around the world, build a new publishing/magazine platform within the Adventist Church.

We are trying to create a place where ideas are openly discussed and freely debated. We want to see the Seventh-day Adventist Church succeed in its mission to take the gospel to the entire world and hasten the soon coming of Jesus.

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