Hrišćanska adventistička crkva sedmog dana čini odmazdu nad žrtvom zlostavljanja i njenom porodicom Ovo je priča od ženi koja je govorila o seksualnom, emocionalnom i duhovnom zlostavljanju od strane svog sada bivšeg muža. Njena mesna crkva, Oblast i Unija nisu poverovale u njenu priču. Danas Hrišćanska adventistička crkva sedmog dana i dalje čini odmazdu nad […]
Expanded Whistleblower Audio Transcript (Serbian)
Adrijanova beleška: Intelligent Adventist objavljuje kompletan prevod audio zapisa načinjenog od strane uzbunjivača radi dodatnog konteksta našim čitaocima. U članku u kojim smo objavili uzbunjivačev transkript rekli smo da je to „reč za reč“ prevod. To nije bila precizna karakterizacija. To je bio prepis „istaknutih“ delova razgovora koji se dogodio u Nišu, 2. Marta. Propovednik […]
Expanded Whistleblower Audio English Transcript
Adrian’s Note: Intelligent Adventist is publishing a full translation of the audio recording by the whistleblower for additional context for our readers. In the article in which we published the whistleblower transcript we said the audio was a “word for word” translation. That was not an accurate characterization. It was a transcription of the “highlights” […]
Thanks for Your Support
Thank you for all your financial donations and support so far. All donations are tax-deductible in the US. We have a donation button the right of every page. We have three areas or funds right now that we need support for: 1. Abuse Victims Fund: The money from this fund after transaction costs go directly […]
Protect Whistleblowers: Please Sign Our Petition for Change
New Feature: Letters to IA
We are getting quite a bit of fan mail, questions, and what can charitably call “notes of concern.” We want to point people to our Facebook page (Intelligent Adventist), where at least once a week, we will answer questions people have emailed us. We want to answer on occasion, but we don’t have the time […]
News Flash: Union President Forces Pastors to Turn over Electronic Devices in a Hunt for Whistleblowers
Today, we received information about a meeting held at the South Conference of the South-Eastern Union-Conference in Niš, Serbia. The Union President Dragan Grujicic presided over the meeting. The union president gave a moralizing speech in which he stated that the person who did the recording should repent. He threatened the pastors in attendance with […]
GoFundMe for Anita Trto
If you would like to help Anita with her court costs and associated medical care costs, you can donate directly here. Update: As a commitment to financial transparency, we are posting the receipt of the transfer of funds. We have transferred over $6000. The campaign to raise funds is ongoing. You can click on […]
Update: Seventh-day Adventist Church Fires Father of Abuse Victim
After a five-hour meeting, the South-East European Union Conference fired Pastor Robert Erdeg from his position as the President of the North Conference. The reason was a conflict of interest due to his daughter’s well-publicized case. You can support Anita’s attempt to get justice for her abuse here by donating to Intelligent Adventist’s victim fund […]
Bosnia Conference Evaluation for Court Omits Information
Union President Meeting Whistleblower Transcript
A whistleblower recorded the President of the South-East European Union Conference talking openly and honestly about how to get a conference president to “withdraw himself” from his position.
Seventh-day Adventist Church Retaliates against Abuse Victim and her family.
This is a story about a woman who spoke out about her sexual, emotional, and spiritual abuse by her now ex-husband. Her local Church, the Conference, and the Union didn’t believe her story. Today, the Seventh-day Adventist Church is still retaliating against her and her family. Her father expects to be fired from his position […]
Mark 6:14-29 Play in new window | Download
When Women’s Ordination and Church vs State Rights are in Conflict
There are two sets of “rights” and authoritative powers that are enmeshed in every constitutional document for every level of the church. They are 1)Ecclesiastical authority 2)State authority. When the PUC General Counsel gave advice to the constituents, he was giving advice regarding the rights under the State of California not ecclesiastical authority. States rights […]
Data Dump of Adventist & Christian Theology
Adventist Identity, Theological Reasoning & Method Basic Elements of Christian Theology – Fernando Canale Revelation & Inspiration: The Cognitive Principle of Christian Theology – Fernando Canale Canonical Theology: The Biblical Canon, and Sola Scriptura, and Theological Method – John C. Peckham & Craig G. Bartholomew Creation, Evolution, and Theology: An Introduction to Scientific and Theological […]
The Backstory on the One Project Research (Part 2)
The Backstory on the One project research
Last Generation Theology: Why We No Longer Believe in Last Generation Theology
Here is a recent YouTube Video of our discussion on Last Generation Theology. We reviewed a book published by seminarians from Andrews University on Last Generation Theology. You can purchase the book God’s Character and the Last Generation from Amazon. Here is our review of the book, and an extended discussion on Last Generation Theology.
Intelligent Adventist Starts New YouTube Channel
Over the last few weeks, Adrian and Mike have started a Live Sabbath Afternoon Discussion Group on Facebook. We are posting these videos to our Intelligent Adventist Facebook Page. Recently, upon request we have opened up a YouTube Channel and have started posting our videos there. Readers can now join us on Facebook for the […]
First Things: Laying the Foundation for Biblical Analysis of the Emergent Church
After collecting data at various ONE Project sessions including, the Gathering, the Advance Conference, and the Create Conference, as well as two interviews with Pastors Sam Leonor and Terry Swenson, I felt I had a good amount of data to build a framework which I could use to analyze and interpret the results while I […]
What Others Have Said About the One Project
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a global family and with the rise of Social Media our ‘ties that bind’ are ever closer. Anyone today can post on Facebook or Twitter and expect a range of opinions from all over the world in real time. Likewise, the perspectives on The ONE Project are rich and varied […]